The Near-Myth of Our Failing Schools

An article in the Atlantic from 1997 describes how many critics of American education get it all wrong. The arguments and data provide a great insight into what’s going on today, fifteen years later. The piece is entitled:

The Near-Myth of Our Failing Schools

Ideologically inspired lamentations about the parlous state of American education mask the much more complex truth

Published in: on December 17, 2012 at 12:41 pm  Comments (1)  

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  1. In a recent news article, Michelle Rhee puts the blame for America’s education problems on teachers. Soley blaming teachers for our national educatiion problem is like blaming our soldiers for losing Vietnam. A larger share of the responsibility for our school crisis is political. Before choosing a school for your child, please read this book. It’s an eye-opener. It is written by a retired educator. Can we ever get back to common sense education ? It’s well worth reading: “America’s Biggest Hoax,” available on Amazon or Kindle.


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