A fact-based critique of “Waiting for Superman”

This distorted documentary came out a few years ago but a lot of people still think its claims are accurate. Here Leonie Hemson (sp?) deals with one of its claims.


Published in: on April 21, 2014 at 4:36 pm  Comments (1)  

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  1. Thanks for the post. I have purposely never seen the movie. I knew it would just anger me.
    I love it when teachers are held up as professionals to that of Doctors and Lawyers by the same people that wish to strip the professionalism of the job away from teachers and would never dream of thinking they deserve anywhere close in salary. Doctors and Lawyers have a code of not running each other down, as i have heard teachers interviewed did in the movie.
    Are Doctors and Lawyers held to standards, graded on their performances and/or dismissed for those reasons? Since when? A grievous wrong doing or serious malpractice of only provable consequences seems to be the only ways a medical doctor or lawyer are disbarred. I have a good friend and neurosurgeon who wrote a book years ago on how all doctors should have a series of things they should do when entering a hospital and if they hadn’t, it could cut and dry malpractice suits settlement to the quick. As of yet, I do not believe that is common practice.


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