2011 DC-CAS scores are still not posted

The 2011 DC-CAS No Child Left Behind scores for DC public and charter schools are supposed to be posted online today, but are not there yet (as of 2:45 pm on Monday, 8-1-2011).

I just called 202-727-6436 and spoke to someone there, who assured me that they were having a slight problem and that the results should be available later today or first thing tomorrow.

Published in: on August 1, 2011 at 1:47 pm  Comments (9)  

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9 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Thanks. I was wondering why the school-by-school results had not been released yet. I could not locate them this morning.


  2. How did you know they were supposed to be released today?


    • Thats what they said they would do.


      • Via the washington post? the OSSE website? a personal conversation? I guess I’m just wondering how you stayed informed. I feel like no one can ever give me a straight answer about anything.


      • Actually, I’m not 100% sure of the source of my information on this!


  3. I know our school with had a problem with data. They are only supposed to count kids that were at a DCPS school at the time of the audit, not late comers. I guess it is a small compensation for the problem children the charters push back on us. Anyway we had 20 charter dumped kids being counted, 19 of whom were rated basic or below basic. We petitioned to have those scores not count in our numbers. I don’t know if that is a system-wide glitch, or a school by school problem.


  4. Is it too cynical to believe that they’ve been a bit busy massaging statistics?


  5. Mary – I can understand why your school would do this, but what does it mean to the overall assessment of DC kids’ achievement? Do these kids not get counted at all? Do they disappear into a statistical black hole without a chance for the remediation they obviously need?

    What happens to them the following year? If they stay at your school, they could make it look bad again.


    • The kids don’t get counted. I have a theory that the AYP numbers don’t include them but the “report card numbers” do. If you look there is a discrepancy between them lots of places. I think to some degree this is in the interest of all the adults, as these problem kids don’t count on anyone’s testing books.

      The following year many things may happen. Most of the parents of kids who were pushed out of charters go shopping for another charter. We have some kids who have started in one charter or another for multiple years in a row and end up on our doorstep sometime before the DC-CAS year after year. The more disruptive their behavior the earlier in the year we see them back.


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