Battle of Blair Mountain

As in most other cases in America where the rich, racist, and powerful forces attacked the poor, the workers, and racial minorities — and got away with it, “Those in power decide what gets preserved, and what stories are told about it, the ways in which the narrative is shaped…And those who don’t have the power and resources are left out of the narrative. And often their sites are destroyed.”

Published in: on December 9, 2021 at 5:47 pm  Comments (3)  
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  1. There is only one way to deal with the kind of violence wealthy, powerful racists and brutal capitals are willing to use to crush workers and that is to fight back with equal or more extreme violence.

    But, the working class seldom is willing to fight like that. The few exceptions in history are the Russian Revolution and the French Revolution. In China, it was a Civil War (not a revolution) between the Communist and Nationalist Party and the Nationalists would have won that Civil War if they had killed all the members of the Communist Party when they tried and failed. Japan’s invasion during WWII benefited the Chinese communists more than it did the Nationalists and the Chinese Nationals were brutal as the wealthy powerful fascists you mentioned.

    Even the Revolution that created the United States was led by the wealthiest men in those 13 British colonies, not the working class.


  2. Thanks for posting this important part of working class history, guy. More people need to know about this


  3. […] to G.F. Brandenburg, who posted this very important report about The Battle of Blair Mountain, a largely forgotten milestone in the history of […]


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