Guess What? The EddyFormer$ lied. (Educational Deformers)

If you look at the tables that I posted on my blog, which I culled from the NAEP scores over the years, it is clear that no miracle occurred under Rhee’s reign. It is also clear that turning 40% of the students in DC public schools over to charter schools hasn’t made a significant difference in NAEP scores. The trends over the past 4 years have continued the trends which were going on for the previous dozen or so years.
And the gaps in scoring in all of the DC schools between relatively well-to-do white students on the one hand, and black students on the other, have not been narrowed.
Remember that those backing privatization of education, more testing, and using test scores to punish and reward teachers — they won. They got their way.
They predicted heaven on earth if we would only turn teaching into a temporary job for inexperienced 20-somethings, prevent local largely-black populations from having local control over schools through elected school boards, and demonize the very existence of teacher unions.
They said that their new regime would routinely do things like Rhee claimed she did: take masses of students from scoring at the 13th percentile all the way up to scoring above the 90th percentile – in just one or two years! It was easy, if you just had ‘snap’, according to Richard Whitmire and Michelle Rhee, and were not a veteran teacher.
Guess what.
They lied.
Published in: on November 3, 2011 at 12:52 pm  Comments (1)  

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  1. Finally people are waking up all across the country about these ed-deformers like Rhee. Better late than never. I think teachers and parents from NY helped to clue us in on here in DC since they already had mayoral control of public schools before we did. My only wish is that when they came here at their own expense a little over 3 years ago, we would have listened.


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